I haven't done a tag here for about three years, but I saw Amber from
The Mile Long Bookshelf do this (great blog, do check it out), so thought I'd have a go. I didn't realise how mellow I am about the festive season until writing this - it's never been a big deal for me but I'm slowly getting more into it over the years. Also I write the word Christmas here about a hundred times so enjoy.
1) What's your favourite Christmas movie?
Die Hard.
I saw something online that said there are two types of people in the world - those who think
Die Hard is a Christmas movie, and those who are wrong. Truer words have never been spoken.
I don't like most Christmas movies as they're too soppy and force the jingle bell gooeyness on you. However,
Elf is a close second because we would always watch it in school before the Christmas break and we would quote/scream at each other "SANTA'S COMING!!! OMG!!"
Ah, good times.
2) Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
...Christmas morning.
I'm not a big Christmas person but there are just some things - what kind of monster opens them the night before??? Father Christmas hasn't delivered all the presents yet!
I open them when I wake up on the day, sitting in my bed (would like to take the opportunity to thank all my
irritating as fu- wonderful friends who put loads of glitter under the wrapping paper/in Christmas cards to spill all over me.
My silhouette interrupting a festive projection |